LCMR Article
I really like this article.Shows what engineering is all about. Post Standard folks, if my use of this gives you
heartburn, please let me know.
- LCMR article -
TRES Pictures
These two pictures were taken while working the TRES contract. Lockheed Martin folks, if my use of these gives you
heartburn, please let me know.
- TresAtSunsetCropped.jpg - We took this picture one night after working late at Lockheed Martin's Ridgecrest
facility. SRC used it in a calendar.
- TresAtInyokern.JPG - One of the Lockheed Martin Ridgecrest crew sent this picture while we were working on the
Prenewswire folks, if my use of this gives you heartburn, please let me know.
- Tres.prnewswire.V11.jpg -
PAWSS Block Diagram
SRC folks, if my use of this gives you heartburn, please let me know.
- ChemBioProject.resized.jpg - Reconstructed from memory. Nothing proprietary here.
LSTAR Pictures
If anyone has heartburn over my use of this material, please let me know.
- LSTARatSCLA.jpg - I took this picture while on roof at SCLA.
ElMirage Pictures
Some of these pictures are from the web. Nothing is proprietary. If anyone has heartburn over my use of this
material, please let me know.
- ElMirageConcept.jpg - From slide deck titled "Challenges to using Ground Based Sense and Avoid (GBSAA) for UAS
presented to Digital Avionics Systems Conference by Paul Campbell, Federal Aviation Administration Unmanned
Aircraft Systems
Integration Office, October 16, 2012.